HSZ series chain hoist, as a simple and portable manual lifting machine, is widely used in factories, mines, construction sites, agricultural production and wharves, docks, warehouses and other places to install machinery to lift goods, especially for open-air and non-power operations. What are the advantages of its structural characteristics?
HSZ series chain block is rotated by a symmetrical arrangement of secondary spur gears, and its main components include hand zipper bar, hand chain wheel, brake, lifting chain and lifting sprocket. By manually pulling the hand zipper bar and rotating the hand chain wheel, the friction plate, ratchet and brake will rotate together, and the five-tooth long shaft will turn the plate gear, the four-tooth short shaft and the spline hole gear, so that the lifting sprocket meshing with the spline hole gear will drive the lifting chain, and can stably lift the load. It is especially suitable for outdoor work without power supply.